1.) Who is misterfresh?
I am a 35 year old investment analyst in the Kansas City area and I handle my firm's investments in the media, retail, and restaurant industries. I've been married for 10 years and have two boys, ages 4 and 1. My first name is Doug and so I was always "Doug E. Fresh" growing up... at some point or another that evolved into MisterFresh.
2.) What are some of your interests and hobbies?
Between work, family, and a relatively new house, I stay pretty busy. I am a true media guy and I love good television shows, movies, books, video games, and live events. I've gotten pretty into whiskey (bourbon and rye in particular) and wine in recent years.
3.) Did you play any sports growing up?
I played baseball from the 1st grade into high school and played football for a couple of years.
4.) Do you have any sports-related items on your bucket list that you have not yet done?
I really want to attend the Kentucky Derby. I'd like to go to a World Cup. As a Baylor alumnus, I am a diehard Baylor sports fan. Should they ever make a national championship game in football or men's hoops, I will find a way to be there.
5.) What is your favorite WIS moment?
Back when I played sim baseball (pre-HBD), I won a Tournament of Champions with a team of players from the 1986 season. I was down 3-0 and came back to win. Other than that, drafting and signing (against all odds) Willie Zumaya has been pretty fun.
6.) What do you think is more important for an HBD team? A sure fire Ace? Strong pitching staff? Well rounded lineup? Speed, defense, coaching?
I rarely have a sure fire ace, so Zumaya has been an exception for me. I always have a team that ranks in the top 3 or so in plus plays, so I will go infield defense first and try to stash a few impact bats at C, LF, and RF. I tend to think 1B is the most under appreciated defensive position in this game.
7.) Which five people, past or present, sit at your dream roundtable discussion?
This is the toughest question. If the goal is for the discussion to be interesting, I'll go with Dan Arriely, Seth Klarman, David Einhorn, Ricky Sandler, and Bob Iger. If the goal is for the discussion to be entertaining, I'll go with Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and Louis CK.
8.) What is your favorite in-person sports moment?
I'd have to say that the 2011 Alamo Bowl was my favorite in person moment. Unfortunately, I wasn't at the 2011 Baylor victory over Oklahoma (RG3 to Terrance Williams for the last second win). Baseball wise, I got to see Sammy Sosa ( I am a Cub fan) hit 3 homers against the Astros in 2001.
9.) If you could change one thing in HBD, what would it be?
If we're going to have the option to spend money on it (or to not spend money on it), scouting should be a lot more important than it is. I shouldn't be able to figure out how good a prospect is going to be based on his current progression.
10.) Do you have any favorite players from any of your HBD teams?
My all time favorite player is Renyel Franco from my team in Scottsdale (Glavine300). I really like Zumaya in this league.