Friday, June 29, 2012

Upper Deck Summary

Here we are almost through season 8 in Upper Deck and I wanted to compare all teams(all time) through several categories. The x-factor in franchise success is World Series Championships but these rankings will show you what are the suttle difference between a well run franchise and a poor one. You can make what you want of these rankings but here are a few facts below that you might not know:

- 8 teams(25% of the league) have never got a taste of post-season ball(Arizona, Hartord, Buffalo, Rochester, Pawtucket, Houston, Omaha, Texas.
- Trenton has had 7 MVP/Cy Young winners.
- Minnesota has finished 1st or 2nd in runs score the past 3 seasons
- Montgomery has finished in the top 8 in runs the past 6 seasons(San Juan, SLC 4 straight top 10's)
- Boston has the highest avg finish in runs but has only made the post-season once
- Buffalo has never finished better than 25th in runs
- Texas has last or 2nd to last in defense(+/-) 5 consecutive seasons(1-5) and has never finished better than 24th
- Trenton was the closest in season 2 on winning the team quadruple crown. ERA(1st), def %(1st), def +/- (1st), AVG(2nd)
- Trenton and Boston have 10 silver slugger winners.
- 3 teams have never had a silver slugger(Iowa, Pawtucket, Boston, Chicago)
- Philadelphia has a net 493 def+ plays, trenton(433), on the other end of the ladder Texas(-425) next worst Chicago with -190 but still much better
- Trenton, SF and Philadelphia have made the post-season every year, SJ only missed it once. Coincidence we were all longtime Moneyball owners at one time.
- Trenton has the highest avg finish in the measureables(hitting,pitching,def) with 5.8, Houston the worst with 26.1
- Only 11 teams have had an MVP or a Cy Young winner


Red Text = Leader or last
MVP/CY = Number of MVP/Cy Young winners
SS = Number of Silver Sluggers
GG/FM/Rook = Number of Gold Glove, Fireman of the Year and Rookie of the Year winners
Awd Pts = 4 pts for a MVP/Cy Young, 2 pts for a Silver Slugger and 1 pt for a Gold Glove/FOY/ROY
PSP - Post Season Points= 10 for a WS, 7 for  LCS, 4 for a DCS, 2 for 2nd rd, 1 for wildcard
Standings = 32 pts for first place all time, 31 for 2nd place, etc and 1 for last place all time
MEAS = Measureables, same as standings: 32 for 1st, 1 for last(combined avg finish in 4 categories: (Runs/ERA/Def%/Def +/-)
Total = Awd Pts + PSP + Standings + MEAS
R Avg = Avg ranking in total runs
P Avg = Avg ranking in ERA
D Avg = Avg ranking in fielding %
D2 Avg = Avg ranking in +/- def plays
MZ Tot = All rankings (Runs/ERA/Def%/Def +/-) sum
Tot Avg = Avg ranking in all measureable categories combined(Runs/ERA/Def%/Def +/-)
1-7 = Net difference in +/- plays
+/- Tot = All time net difference in +/- plays

Upper Deck Franchise Rankings

1Trenton Thunder Mulesjcairns7108562932321497.
2San Francisco Ninja Bay Soxzsiegri4113413231301347.1615.41341.510.4363034635-311149
3Philadelphia Athleticsgrivfmd1298343530311309.776.
4San Juan QueñosACEROTHSTEIN1104282528261077.31612.417.35313.349-111-1141236100
5Minnesota Millersdflom20084693772518878.4231516.162.515.68-342556213210118
6Wichita Mediocre Menrobmb17523829278714.34.712.320.75213.0-49-82326-1426-14
7Salt Lake City Oil Slicksflipdog04816112729839.615.115.47.747.812.05018-1545979103362
8Detroit Cubsboomer17132121826167211.11717.719.665.416.49271612-17-8-138
9Los Angeles Freshmisterfresh1351724236920.1817.99.655.613.9-7-74970467581307
10Boise gnoccassors23519622216817.712.111.11858.914.7-22026-143-301773
11Louisville Land Sharkssolowkoe36933715126717.913.62018.770.217.66-171454217875
12Arizona Desert DogsJtpsops7418019286512.319.79.1748.112.03920458849484383
13Jackson Jaguarshcross22551552025651416.
14St. Louis Yardbirdshughnewitt1681318246319.910.99.115.455.313.826-23-1427136951149
15Kansas City A'strubrewcrew37131223156315.311.923.61666.816.733433119-5-27-193
16Fargo Roadrunnerslittlejim236205131755221415.413.965.316.34819-202684045166
17Montgomery Boll Weevilscarpediem33741831714528.623.919.318.169.917.525-17-4-1223353989
18El Paso Thundersoxfan_96315321135219.78.921.320.17017.52028-7-37-47527-11
19Washington D.C. Monumentsjrobert773612316195019.114.716.411.962.115.51410207583374243
20Hartford River Ratssf33146014224213.321.412.68.355.613.926213014617492318
21Oakland Steroid Bashersbobkordecki661821011411820.717.415.371.417.9-23133481927-31125
22Buffalo Honey Badgersdmpark15701120382710.611.410.359.314.856252549291330227
23Seattle Sloberknockersauggieward54141983218.618.92022.980.420.1-19-13-322259-35-14-32
24Boston Bravesmtg541010212529726.726.623.984.221.114-44-2-198-297-65
25Iowa City Expresstexanboiler1486672725.119.11719.780.920.2369-22-72722-956
26Rochester Red Wingsjwperry23707102417.325.614.716.373.918.525-48-1326375624107
27Chicago Old Stylealogman1446862423.41717.425.983.720.9-88-13152-5-52-49-190
28Syracuse Syndicatehatton981241591925.317.615.919.177.919.51226-217-24302252
29Tampa Bay Lightningjmaese3170421314.628.328.730.3101.925.5-56-81-104-110-32-18-24-425
30Omaha Royalsfsubwj1240241028.918.320.124.79223.06-38-3140-5-29-2-59
31Pawtucket Terriersburk44013823.12825.421.698.124.535-612-36-15-151-24
32Houston Colt 45'sandyr104124031824.62727.125.7104.426.1-41-76-43635-22-35-176

All Time Standings

1 Trenton Thunder Mules jcairns 696 438 0.614 - 41 32 0.562 1 2 4 6 1
2 San Francisco Ninja Bay Sox zsiegri 682 452 0.601 14 32 28 0.533 2 2 4 7
3 Philadelphia Athletics grivfmd1 678 456 0.598 18 50 34 0.595 3 5 3 4
4 Wichita Mediocre Men rmbmd 641 493 0.565 55 11 18 0.379 2 3
5 San Juan Queños ACEROTHSTEIN 633 501 0.558 63 36 31 0.537 1 2 3 4 2
6 Salt Lake City Oil Slicks flipdog0 607 527 0.535 89 17 17 0.500 1 1 4
7 Detroit Cubs boomer17 600 534 0.529 96 29 21 0.580 1 1 3 4
8 Minnesota Millers dflom2008 595 539 0.525 101 12 17 0.414 3 2
9 Los Angeles Fresh misterfresh 593 541 0.523 103 21 16 0.568 1 1 2 1 3
10 Kansas City A's trubrewcrew 593 541 0.523 103 13 11 0.542 1 1 1 2
11 Boise gnoccas sors 593 541 0.523 103 9 12 0.429 1 3
12 El Paso Thunder soxfan_9 585 549 0.516 111 4 6 0.400 1 1
13 Jackson Jaguars hcross22 578 556 0.510 118 6 10 0.375 2 1
14 Arizona Desert Dogs Jtpsops 577 557 0.509 119 0 0 0.000
15 St. Louis Yardbirds hughnewitt 577 557 0.509 119 19 20 0.487 1 1 4
16 Montgomery Boll Weevils carpediem33 577 557 0.509 119 4 9 0.308 1 2
17 Washington D.C. Monuments jrobert77 574 560 0.506 122 5 8 0.385 2
18 Louisville Land Sharks solowkoe 570 564 0.503 126 8 10 0.444 1 2 1
19 Hartford River Rats sf33 561 573 0.495 135 0 0 0.000
20 Fargo Roadrunners littlejim 558 576 0.492 138 6 12 0.333 4
21 Boston Braves mtg54 556 578 0.490 140 3 4 0.429 1
22 Buffalo Honey Badgers dmpark 546 588 0.481 150 0 0 0.000
23 Oakland Steroid Bashers bobkordecki 543 591 0.479 153 1 3 0.250 1 1
24 Seattle Sloberknockers auggieward 541 593 0.477 155 1 3 0.250 1
25 Chicago Old Style alogman1 531 603 0.468 165 11 12 0.478 1 2
26 Rochester Red Wings jwperry 528 606 0.466 168 0 0 0.000
27 Iowa City Express texanboiler 512 622 0.451 184 8 11 0.421 1 1 1
28 Syracuse Syndicate hatton98 512 622 0.451 184 2 3 0.400 1
29 Tampa Bay Lightning jmaese 476 658 0.420 220 0 0 0.000
30 Houston Colt 45's andyr104 449 685 0.396 247 0 0 0.000
31 Omaha Royals fsubwj 447 687 0.394 249 0 0 0.000
32 Pawtucket Terriers burk 435 699 0.384 261 0 0 0.000